Test information:
Exam Number/Code : 000-201
Exam Name : IBM Midrange Storage Technical Specialist
Number of questions: at least 47
Time allowed in minutes: 90
This certification is to confirm the skills necessary success as a storage technical specialist in midrange pre-sale customer engagements. This certification will replace all previous product specific storage exams. These product specific pre-sales storage technical exams on or before July 1, 2010. Each certification description page will contain specific withdrawal information when announced.The Storage certification program is changing from many product specific exams to fewer role based exams.
This Midrange Storage Technical Specialist certification will replace all previous product specific midrange technical certifications. Those exams will be withdrawn before July 1, 2010. Withdrawal notice will be posted for each previous sales exam individually when finally scheduled.
Candidates are encouraged to move to this role based Storage technical certification.
Sample / Assessment test:
Test your knowledge prior to taking the test.
Related certifications:
IBM Certified Specialist – Midrange Storage Technical Support V1
The number of questions presented will change frequently and without notice.
The passing score will change with the number of questions and the difficulty of the presented questions.
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